The Urge to Purge

I’m not sure if it’s the season or the fact that we had planned to be moving out of Javad’s folks’ house before now, but I’m in the mood to get rid of things. Looking around our schoolroom in the basement, which is really only used for art projects since we prefer to read/learn/”do school” upstairs where there are windows, I notice that we have a ton of homeschooling stuff that we just don’t use. Perfectly good stuff, just not needed. Between classes, the Internet, the library and the curriculum for math and grammar that we actually DO use, we pretty much have education covered. Having all this unused stuff sitting around makes me feel, I don’t know, guilty or something. Like we SHOULD be using it. Like we’re not doing enough because we’re NOT using it. If it wasn’t there, I’m sure we wouldn’t miss it. If we need whatever it is, we can always get it from the library or the Internet.

We’ve also succeeded in completely filling a bathroom twice the size of our one in the old house. So that’s where I’ve started tonight. I just dumped about half of our medicine box out (expired medicines – I don’t think we’ve ever used up an entire box or bottle of anything, ever) and handfuls of lotion bottles I’ve been hanging onto for years, thinking we’ll use them up eventually. It’s very freeing. I’m trying to go in baby steps, since I tend to want to do it all at once to the exclusion of everything else.

Now the question is, yard sale or not?

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Annie writes about life, motherhood, world issues, beautiful places, and anything else that tickles her brain. On good days, she enjoys juggling life with her husband and homeschooling her children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate chips and dreams of traveling the world alone.

Comments 2

  1. We’re in the same mode right now. I’m gathering boxes of toys etc on a wall of our living room. In a few days we’ll give each boy a small box to fill from that pile then the rest goes to a garage sale. They’ll get to split the $. It’s so freeing!

    Heidi Baker

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