Simple Truths

  • You can walk around cleaning up after a 2-year-old all freaking day long and call it a legit full-time job.
  • If you have a preschooler, you can field their nonstop questions all day long and call it a legit full-time job.
  • If you have a toddler, a nature-loving 7-year-old, and a germaphobic 11-year-old, you can do laundry all day long. Also a legit full-time job.
  • If you want your house to look like the ones in Better Homes and Gardens, forget about it, unless you’re prepared to make that your full-time job.
  • Babies will have their worst diaper blow-outs on the days you forget to pack them a change of clothes.
  • A large percentage of behavioral issues are caused by kids being hungry, thirsty, tired, or having to go to the bathroom. But they’ll usually make you guess which it is.
  • Kids are hungry every twenty minutes. Unless it’s time for an actual meal.
  • Some toddlers have a time-warping superpower where they can make a ten-minute nap in the car equate to a two-hour delay in bedtime. 
  • Stuffed animals reproduce like rabbits.
  • Carrying babies gives you a great arm workout.
  • It’s sad when your kids get too big to comfortably snuggle on your lap.
  • Kids are insanely precious when they’re asleep.
  • The days are long, but the years are short. Parenthood goes way too fast. 

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Annie writes about life, motherhood, world issues, beautiful places, and anything else that tickles her brain. On good days, she enjoys juggling life with her husband and homeschooling her children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate chips and dreams of traveling the world alone.

Comments 1

  1. That time-warpting super power thing is so true! This is a great list. I thought, from the title, that it was going to be sappy and it’s too early for sappy. This hit the spot right on!

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