Q & A – Take 2

Hi All,

I’m getting ready to do another Q & A post in the next few days. That’s where you send me your questions about life, homeschooling, global warming, the best way to remove crayon from fabric walls (if anyone has an answer for that question, I will worship you forever), etc. Anything you want to know or would like me to ramble on and on about, please phrase it in the form of a question and send it to motherhoodandmore@gmail.com. Or, if you prefer, you can post it in the comments of this post. Or, if you haven’t already done so, you can visit my Facebook page here and post questions there. Handy, no?

Wondering what kinds of questions one might ask? Take a look at what people asked in the last Q & A post. And here are a few I’ve gotten so far this round:

What’s been your worst parenting moment?
What’s something very few people know about you?
What are your thoughts on circumcision?
What book are you reading right now?
Do you ever get tired of being around your kids all day?

Anything goes. Lay it on me. By tomorrow, if humanly possible.

🙂 Annie

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Annie writes about life, motherhood, world issues, beautiful places, and anything else that tickles her brain. On good days, she enjoys juggling life with her husband and homeschooling her children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate chips and dreams of traveling the world alone.

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