The M & M Jar—Mindfulness and Motivation for Moms

I’ve been giving some thought to how I want to improve my mothering in the new year. A worthy exercise, I figure. After mulling it over for a while, I came to the conclusion that my mommyhood could really use more of two things:


Mindfulness means being present and conscious in the moment with my children, and it tends to slide when I’m feeling overwhelmed or distracted (Hello, computer!).

Motivation is vital to giving my kids the best of me, but tricky to muster when I’m feeling “done” with the daily parenting grind (Hello, neverending laundry pile!).

When both are lacking, it can be hard to find the joy in motherhood. And as a result, my kids don’t get the mom I really want them to have.

So I came up with a tool to help with that: Mom’s M & M Jar (And no, I’m not referring to the stash I keep on hand for my daily Mommy-Needs-Chocolate hour, though that helps, too.)

Mom’s M & M Jar is all about focusing on one simple goal at a time. I typed up 30 specific actions and mindsets I thought would be helpful, put them in a mason jar, slapped on a cute label, and voila! A whole jar full of mindfulness and motivation, all ready to go. I can pull out one card a day (or week, let’s be real here) to focus on. I put the card on my computer keyboard so I can keep it at the forefront all day (or week).

And since I truly believe sharing is caring, I’m offering my M & M Jar cards as a FREEBIE to all of my e-mail subscribers. You get the label, too. Everything but the jar. (Sorry, I tried, but couldn’t figure out how to upload it. Stupid technology.)

You don’t actually have to use a jar, but there’s something fun about pulling a piece of paper out of a container, isn’t there? Like you might win a prize. Parenting Powerball! We win! Woohoo!

If you’re already a fully mindful and motivated mom (more power to ya, sister), you might consider making a Mom’s M & M Jar as a gift for another mother in your life. Not in a “Wow, you really need this cuz you’re kind of a crappy mom” kind of way, but in a “Hey, we’re all in this boat together, here’s an extra lifejacket” kind of way. We gotta help each other out.

To receive the link to the printable, just subscribe below. I won’t spam you (pinky swear), and your e-mail addy will remain super secret between you and me. You’ll get all of my new posts, and your link to the M & M printable will be included in your confirmation e-mail.

If you think this is nifty, please consider sharing it with one of those fancy buttons at the end of this post. We moms could all use some extra mindfunless and motivation, don’t you think?

 If you enjoyed this post, please pass it along. You can follow Motherhood and More on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Annie writes about life, motherhood, world issues, beautiful places, and anything else that tickles her brain. On good days, she enjoys juggling life with her husband and homeschooling her children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate chips and dreams of traveling the world alone.

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