It’s really hard to believe we were in Utah yesterday morning. It feels like a week ago, literally. Time feels funny when your days are full of new things.
I have to admit, I’m a little worried that every place we go after Southern California will be a let down. I know it’s not all like this, but where we are is fabulous. Pool, beach, palm trees, amazing-smelling flowers, Trader Joe’s nearby – it’s practically heaven. 🙂
Today was the twelfth day of Ridvan, a holy day for Baha’is, so the kids didn’t have school and I didn’t have work. We missed the community celebrations, which would have been last night, so we had our own family celebration. Then we mainly spent the day focusing on joyful things, most of which involved sunshine and swimsuits. 🙂
Poor Havarti had to work, but he at least went out to lunch with us. We found a place in San Juan Capistrano that has an entirely organic gluten-dairy-soy-free menu. We all agreed it was the best gluten-free bread we’d ever had, and to-die-for brownies. Cloud 9 Bakers. Highly recommended.
The kids and I swam in the condo pool after lunch, and then we all went down to the beach after dinner. I could take thousands of photos of the kids at the ocean. So much fun. So much sheer joy. 🙂
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