A Quick and Simple Way to Help Local Families in Need

If you’ve been to Wal-Mart this week, you may have seen a purple display from Champions for Kids.

Admittedly, I’m not usually one to advertise something at Wal-Mart—I’ve made no secret of my love affair with Target—but this program is actually worth passing along.

Champions for Kids, if you’ve never heard of it, is an organization whose goal is to help kids at the local level. Their core values are simple, but awesome. They believe that all children should have:

Someone who cares. 
A place to belong. 
Hope for tomorrow and provisions for their journey. 
Not just some children—all children. Provisions for their journey. I just love that.

So, Champions for Kids has joined up with General Mills (those genius folks behind Cheerios) and Unilever (which includes the Ben & Jerry’s and Breyers brands—who knew? I assumed they just did soap.) to collect fall essentials for local families at more than 1400 participating Wal-Mart stores.

Here’s how it works:

You go to Wal-mart, buy something to donate, and drop it in the bin at the front of the store.

It’s really that simple. 

The coolest thing is that all donations go directly to families in need in your own community, distributed through local school districts. The Champions for Kids display has some suggested items to purchase, but you don’t have to go with those. You can donate any kid-friendly items, so find something on sale and go for it.

And for a little extra incentive, there’s $10,000 in prizes up for grabs for the stores with the most donations. And you can report your service projects here for more chances to win.

There’s just one week left—the program runs until October 28. So kick off the giving season a little early by offering local kids in need some “provisions for their journey.”

And please help spread the word by sharing this post or the website below.

For more info, see: www.championsforkids.org/simplegiving

Disclosure: I am part of a group of bloggers who have been commissioned to help promote the Simple Giving program. But honestly, I’d help promote it even if they didn’t pay me a dime. Shhhh. Don’t tell. 

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Annie writes about life, motherhood, world issues, beautiful places, and anything else that tickles her brain. On good days, she enjoys juggling life with her husband and homeschooling her children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate chips and dreams of traveling the world alone.

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