A mother of four boys recently wrote an op-ed in which she lamented the leggings trend. She explained how males can’t help but look at legging-clad bodies and think goodness-knows-what thoughts because “nature.” She asked young women to “think of …
The Holocaust Didn’t Begin With the Gassing of Jews. It Began With Prejudice and Propaganda.
Let’s talk about extremism. Not very many things scare me, but extremism in every form does. We hear a lot about the extremism of radicalized Islamic groups, and yes, those groups are worrisome. But the instant that fearmongerers equate those …
The Special Bond Between Boys And Their Mamas
Our first two kids were girls, which was perfectly fine by me. I loved my girls. I understood girls. Girls were my jam. When we found out our third baby was a boy, I freaked a little inside. What was …
Empathy for Our Kids is Important. It’s Also Freaking Exhausting.
My 10-year-old tells me he’s having a hard time breathing as he climbs into bed. It’s a classic symptom of the anxiety he’s learning to manage, but it’s disconcerting to him nonetheless. He looks at me with wide, pleading eyes. …
I’m Done With Thoughts, Prayers, and “Looking for the Helpers”
Thoughts and prayers. Lone wolf. Mental health. “Look for the helpers.” You know what? NO. I am a person of faith, but I am done with our first and only response to mass shootings being to think about and pray for …
I’m not voting like my life depends on it, because my life doesn’t
I confess that I’ve never been particularly into politics. I take issues seriously and engage in discourse and social action, but American politics—especially as it exists currently—is a freaking mess. The inherent divisiveness of the two-party system is completely unpalatable …
However Exhausted You Think Moms Are, Times It By a Gazillion
Before I had kids, I thought I knew what tired was. I’d pulled all-nighters in college. I’d experienced night wakings from sirens and thunder and the neighbor’s cat in heat. I’d battled bouts of insomnia that left me feeling foggy …
About That Women’s Facebook Blackout . . . No Thank You.
I, like many women in America I assume, received several private Facebook messages yesterday with this copied and pasted text: I realize I’m probably breaking some unspoken woman pact by sharing this, but there are too many things I find …