A Prayer for My Sister-Friends

Dear Ones,

The recent suicide of an acquaintance who was close to some of my friends has reminded me how connected we are in this web of life. 

I’ve always been grateful for my “Sister-Friends,” women whose friendships feel like family. A few years ago, I was asked to give the benediction at a reunion of some of these friends, and this was the prayer I offered.

If you have a Sister-Friend (or four, or forty), perhaps you’ll share this with them, or at least send them a message or call to check in. No matter how much time passes, or how busy life gets, hearing from old friends is always a welcome joy. And you never know when one of them really needs to hear that they are loved and valued and needed on this Earth.  

With love — Annie

Lord, bless and keep my Sister-Friends . . . You know well who they are.

In the fabric of life, they are constant threads lovingly woven by Your Hand—some bright, some earthy, some sparkly—each one adding her own unique pattern or flourish, increasing the beauty and strength of my life’s tapestry.

Lord, bless and keep my Sister-Friends . . . You know well who they are.

In the symphony of life, they are beautiful and diverse instruments of Your love, and joyful reminders of the constancy of Your mercy and grace. Each of them plays a different part, but we are united with ties that cannot be broken or worn down by distance or time.

Lord, bless and keep my Sister-Friends . . . You know well who they are.

In the trials and triumphs of life, they are the first responders. Through boyfriends and breakups, bridal showers and babies, depression, divorces, and dreams come true—in love, laughter, longing, and loss—they are the first to show up with words of encouragement, cries of solidarity, tears of sympathy, admonitions to “Stop ignoring the pain and call the doctor, already!” or a simple, heartfelt hug.

Lord, bless and keep my Sister-Friends . . . You know well who they are.

On the long and winding road of self-discovery, they are guardians who have kept me in their sights while I’ve wandered, keepers of my heart’s song who hum for me its melody when I’ve forgotten how it goes, and ever-supportive voices of reason, insight, humor, and understanding, without whom this journey would be unbearable.

Lord, bless and keep not only my Sister-Friends, but the friends of my Sister-Friends . . . You know who they are, too.

In the mysterious connectedness of all things, my friends’ friends are gifts to me, for they nurture the souls who nurture my own. Though we may not all be close, we are all linked in a great, intricate web of friendship. For all of these women, I am grateful.

Lord, bless and keep my Sister-Friends . . . You know well who they are.

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Annie writes about life, motherhood, world issues, beautiful places, and anything else that tickles her brain. On good days, she enjoys juggling life with her husband and homeschooling her children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate chips and dreams of traveling the world alone.

Comments 15

  1. Thank you for this beautiful prayer–I shared it with a little podcast group that I’m in (Abiding Together podcast). We’re doing a segment on sisters and this was just a lovely way to end tonight.

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